
(cover photo 1982) Manhattan, Woody Allen, Marshall Brickman, 1979  "Chapter one. ""He adored New York City.He idolised it all out of proportion. "Uh, no. Make that "He romanticised itall out of proportion. ""To him,no matter what the season was,this was still a townthat existed in black and whiteand pulsated to the great tunesof George Gershwin. … Leggi tutto Manhattan

General Electric Building 1929-1931

(cover photo 1982) Cross & CrossThe undoubtedly most striking feature of this 195 m tall building is its, indeed, flamboyant top, a curious mixture of Gothic spires in limestone and brickwork with wavy, filigree style decoration and lightning bolt motifs, depicting the electricity of radio transmission waves sent by the Radio Corporation of America. (1982)

Consolidated Edisons steam pipes

(cover photo 1982) Last year alone, Manhattan used 29,566,747,000 pounds of steam through Consolidated Edisons steam pipes. Of the five major pipes that wind beneath the streets of Manhattan—gas, electric, sewer, steam, and water—one hundred eight miles of pipes belong to the steam system. Manhattanites seem to take this phenomenon of curling whirls, of hissing … Leggi tutto Consolidated Edisons steam pipes

Water tanks

(cover photo 1982) To most New Yorkers, water tanks appear to be anachronisms-quaint towers settled among the citys cubes and slick structures. They are certainly a reminder of a more gentle architectural period in our environs, but even today these towers still serve some necessary and life-saving purposes. In case of a burning building, they … Leggi tutto Water tanks


(cover photo 1982) Annie Hall, Woody Allen & Marshall Brickman - 1977 Alvy's and Annie's voices are heard over the wind-browned exterior of a beach house in the Hamptons. As they continue to talk, the camera moves inside the house. Alvy is picking up chairs, trying to get at the group of lobsters crawling on … Leggi tutto Hamptons